Hi all. No, Magracing has not derailed. I have put some effort into the routing design for my Maslow router.
I'll share the best I can.
Lately I have been using a free CAD tool called LibreCAD.
then a program (web based) called Krabzcam (https://mkrabset.github.io/krabzcam/krabzcam/index.html) to generate the files for my router.
Free options are normally not with all the bells and whistles but for me it work.
The trick is to make things reusable / in modules - it takes some practice.
Here is a track I used at the 2023 'Hobbymessen' (hobbyfaire) in our region.
Just an oval but I's easy to drive and manage. And a test for my connectiong system.
This time I used std MDF 12mm x 24000 x 1200 sheets.
Rigging evening.
Routing 12mm mdf / 2023 'Hobbymessen' (hobbyfaire)
Routing 12mm mdf / 2023 'Hobbymessen' (hobbyfaire)
Racing Regards
Kim K.
Kim K.