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Id4u-CH01-24-vario How much adjustment is needed ?

Posted: Wed 26. Apr 2023 09:31
by kiklo

I'm testing out a Vario version of my 1:24 scale chassis. Woundering how large / small will it need to be to suit your bodies ?

Look at the picture. As for now it can vary from 95 - 120 mm wheelbase. I have made som small indent in the chassis to indicate the axels.

I like the clean look of this one. Only possible in the ReIb (Rear engine Inline battery) version.
Screenshot 2023-04-26 110836.png
Screenshot 2023-04-26 110836.png (174.17 KiB) Viewed 12192 times

Re: Id4u-CH01-24-vario How much adjustment is needed ?

Posted: Wed 26. Apr 2023 13:35
by Ned
Looks promising Kim. Do you plan to make a 1:32 version?

Re: Id4u-CH01-24-vario How much adjustment is needed ?

Posted: Wed 26. Apr 2023 16:56
by kiklo
Ned . The 1:32 is already there. Not so slick as the 1:24. It is hard to find a good way to make the sliding attacments nd not ruin the space rquired for the receiver. So it is still WIP.

See pic.

IMG_20230426_184736.jpg (89.05 KiB) Viewed 12183 times
IMG_20230426_184754.jpg (99.02 KiB) Viewed 12183 times