Interactive Diorama build with Magracing!

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Interactive Diorama build with Magracing!

Post by Chrismodels »

I don't see why not.... right?

Hello Fellow Magracers and Admins!

My name is Chris residing in Florida,USA. I've recently become heavily interested in Magracing. Among this interest, I also fell into the model railroading and Diorama building rabbit hole lol. After hours of youtube videos, forum searches etc :| , I'd like to pitch in an idea to everyone. Maybe this is something that others would like to try in a more confined space?

Would it be possible to scale down magracing to 1/67?

My bigger idea:

I'm on a quest to build a detailed Interactive Diorama with Magracing aspects to it. This will be a City setting with a street racing circuit, Which is where i'd like to incorporate the Magracing ideology. I chose 1/67 scale to run in conjunction to S scale model locomotives and rolling stock. 1/43 and O scale railroading takes too much space unless I build outside but that's a separate project. I believe the 1/67 and S scale combo is perfect but i need to know if it's viable project worth pursing from a more experienced POV.

My method of making this work would be to turn diecast 1/67 cars into rc models, and adding a 4mm by 1mm magnet on the chassis. Any input would be appreciated. I'd like to thank you for reading, I hope it wasn't too much for such a basic question. I like to bring a little life to things :) .
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Re: Interactive Diorama build with Magracing!

Post by kiklo »

Hi Chris.
If you look at what is possible in 1:87, 1:67 should be possible. ( DasMikro Das87 ).
Creating something that is raceworthy is an other question.
You may have to sacrifye the Magracing oversteer function or recreate it in another layout / material.
Racing Regards

Kim K.
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Re: Interactive Diorama build with Magracing!

Post by Chrismodels »

Interesting, i wasn't aware that magracing had an oversteer function. I was under the impression that the magnet would just follow the metal guide wire. I learned something new, I'm going to look into the magracing forums to read more about this function. I think its possible, however i feel like this will require a good amount of trial and error. If not my fall back plan is the 1:43 and O scale. Thank you for pointing me to the right direction.
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