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Controller steering axel fix.

Posted: Thu 11. Feb 2016 19:10
by kiklo
To fix my broken steering.
I drilled out the center to 6 mm.
Created a 'bolt', spacer and nut. 3 STL files.
Using a friends 3D printer. Had to sand parts to a snug fit.
Modified the controller with the extra retainer hole to get the spacer to stay put.
(Used drilled the small hole as a guide before I did the 5 mm.)
Added some pictures. May have to ceate a new post to be able to add the STL.

Re: Controller steering axel fix.

Posted: Fri 12. Feb 2016 08:31
by kiklo
Here the STL's are. Have fun.

Re: Controller steering axel fix V2.

Posted: Wed 13. May 2020 17:02
by kiklo
Just thought I'd do an update. The problem is still the same. I think this is better fix.

Making a new attachment for the broken steering wheel and twisting the knob 180 as a snap on. You may have to sand a bit depending on your printer.

Here is a pic of the file you can use. The small version is the better I think a it will not split at layers printed that way.
Mag-steering-knob-repJPG.JPG (30.87 KiB) Viewed 33534 times
IMG_20200513_185814.jpg (56.02 KiB) Viewed 33534 times

Re: Controller steering axel fix. Need some ?

Posted: Thu 14. May 2020 10:03
by kiklo
If you don't have access to a 3D printer nearby pm me if you want me to send to you.
It will only cost you postage and 2 $ for material