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Lapcounting IRid PCB

Posted: Mon 27. Apr 2020 19:35
by kiklo
Some may recall my previous version of the car-mounted IRID pcb. It is working as expected but. It had some limitations due to the microchips used:
PIC10F200 It can only store the program no data entered or changed.

So to choose carID I had to short (solder) 1,2 or 3 of the pins and the program an ID accordingly. So I could only get 1-8 of 1-16 IDs the system needed.

The 'big' brother of the chip the PIC10F322 can store values so the is what I have been thinking of.

The logic.

1. At power on - it will use the latest used ID if you don't interfere with startup.
2. At power on - if you short 2 specific contact within 3 sec. of power on -
it starts programming the ID - it blinks a led on and off for 1 second until you stop shorting - the number of blinks will be the chosen ID (1-16).
3 Then it is ready to send IR-blink to the racing system - like the original cars with ID chosen from the dip-switch.

I would like to hear any thought on my solution,

The pic is the PCB I will soon have .
The red marking will be where you short, the blue where the IR-led is mounted. Size will be 12x15mm. + and - will be for 3.7 v battery.

Re: Lapcounting IRid PCB previous version

Posted: Mon 27. Apr 2020 19:44
by kiklo